High School Resources
This page will offer resources for high school students, including research databases and online sources that will help you complete projects in all content areas. Check back as more resources will be added as we add them to our collection.
- Destiny Discover Library Catalog
- Virtual Bookshelf
- Gale in Context: High School (contact Mrs. Francis for password) cashion
- Gale in Context: U.S. History (contact Mrs. Francis for password) cashion
- Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints (contact Mrs. Francis for password) cashion
- High School Explora (research database)
- Smithsonian Open Access (museum-based resources)
- OER Project (open-source history materials)
- NOVA (science documentaries)
- Sync by Audiofile (free summer audiobooks for teens)
- AncestryClassroom (AncestryClassroom™ offers free access to all the original and primary documents of Ancestry's collections for use in the classroom, including the U.S. Federal Census Collection, Newspaper.com, and military records on Fold3.)